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ARCHEA New Energy GmbH.

Managing Board
Heike Ludwig
Headquarters: Hess.Oldendorf
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 214265
VAT number: DE262893230

Copyright © 2016
ARCHEA New Energy GmbH

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Concept and Webdesign
Sertürnerstraße  40
31785 Hameln


Content Management System


ARCHEA  America Latina ltda.
Rua Presidente Costa e Silva 995, Sala 1.
Centro, Pomerode, SC - Brasilien
Tel.: (47) 3306 7433
mobil +55 47 99637-1480

Facts about Virtual Power Plant

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as biomass plants, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, wind farms and solar parks. read more ...